Wander Wednesday
When you don't know the way, you don't always have to get out a compass first.
This is what I remind myself every time my calendar turns to Wednesday. We often think we need a direction and there are certainly times in our lives when direction is essential. However, sometimes the best thing we can do is take some time to stand where we are, to look around a bit, to notice all the possible paths that are ahead, or to maybe wander around for a bit. As the famous and often repeated J.R.R. Tolkien quote reminds, "Not all who wander are lost."
Sometimes we choose our direction - and, of course, sometimes our direction chooses us. Life. Ha! When I first stepped away from my work as an educator, I wasn't sure what my next step might be. I certainly could start a new career, follow a passion, or learn a new skill. While I worked to learn how to live in this new season, I began what I call "Wander Wednesday."
Each Wednesday I head off for a bit of adventure. Some days the adventure takes a good part of the day; sometimes it requires just an hour or two. Mostly I go places and do things I haven't done before. However, I have also been back to places I enjoy, as well as spots I haven't visited for years. Some Wednesdays are planned and some are quite spontaneouos. I've been to new trails, museums, coffee spots, restaurants, and areas waiting to be discovered. Yes, in the quest for adventure I began to discover new places but, more importantly, I found new interests.
There are times in our lives when we are clearly nearing a big transition, times when we need to recalibrate, or times where we need to slow down. Wander Wednesday reminds me that it is okay to pause for a bit to figure things out. When life throws you a little bump, I hope you'll allow yourself the space to wander for a bit - no compass required. You might be surprised by what you will find.
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